Category: Self-Care

  • Finding Courage in Unexpected Change

    Finding Courage in Unexpected Change

    If there is anything we have all learned through these last two years living through a pandemic, it is that life is all about change. And, so often, change comes at the worst time, in the most unexpected ways. As a writer, my goal has always been to help women find the courage to navigate…

  • Books For Sober Curious Drinkers

    Books For Sober Curious Drinkers

    These books for sober curious drinkers are perfect if you are thinking about taking a break from drinking or just curious about sober living. All the books on this page are highly recommended if you are on a journey of exploring your drinking. This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your…

  • Are You Lacking The Courage To Be Happy?

    Are You Lacking The Courage To Be Happy?

    Being happy does not always require us to be brave. But, moving an obstacle out of the way of our happiness does require courage. When we are stuck in a situation that makes us unhappy change is required to move forward. Moving forward might require you to take a leap of faith and try something…

  • How to Choose What To Declutter

    How to Choose What To Declutter

    Honestly answer the following questions as you prepare for a declutter. You can start with one room or answer these as an overview of your entire home.

  • Become A Priority In Your Life Again

    Become A Priority In Your Life Again

    You are important in all of the roles you take on each day. As women, we tend to be the center of the home, family life, work life and social life.

  • How to Really Make Time For You

    How to Really Make Time For You

    Making Time for You Starts with Creating a Space Just For You